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version control. (1) establishment and maintenance of baselines and the identification and control of changes to baselines that make it possible to return to the previous baseline (ISO/IEC/IEEE 26511:2018 Systems and software engineering--Requirements for managers of information for users of systems, software, and services, 3.1.40) See Also: change control

commit. (1) to integrate the changes made to a developer's private view of the source code into a branch accessible through the version control system's repository (ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2017 Systems and software engineering-Vocabulary)

repo surgery. (1) changes made directly to the version control system's repository, bypassing the system's commands (ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2017 Systems and software engineering-Vocabulary) Example: by issuing database commands or directly manipulating system files Note: Through repo surgery, a repo master can perform operations that the version control system does not directly support.

change control. (1) a process whereby modifications to documents, deliverables, or baselines associated with the project are identified, documented, approved, or rejected (A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK(R) Guide) -- Sixth Edition) (2) actions taken to identify, document, review, and authorize changes to a product that is being developed (ISO/IEC/IEEE 26514:2022, Systems and software engineering -- Design and development of information for users, 3.1.9) See Also: configuration control, version control

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